We take time and effort to find the best quality service manuals for you.
We make the searching job for you.
So you don't lose your time trying to download useless manuals on the web that usualy have very poor scan schematics or viruses!
All our files are 100% VIRUS FREE, not like what you can find on the Web!
Perfect for all repair/service shop or professionals users that want to have a lot of service manuals.
Don't hesitate to send us a request or comments if you need a particular service manual not listed here.
If you need a service manual fast, let us know, and if the file is not too big, we can send it to you by email.
So you don't lose precious repair time waiting for your Ultimate service DVD to be at your door.
The best way to contact us is always by email at: usm-lge@hotmail.com
Our postal address: Ultimate Service Manuals
1000, 3th Avenue CP52081
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
G1L 5A4
USM Team