Vacuum Tubes Theory & Circuit Design Books:
A taste of tubes 67 pages
Allied Data Handbook 1963 88 pages
Amateur Radio Handbok 1941 ARRL 553 pages
An introduction to television 1941 236 pages
Armed Forces Cross Index ElectronTubeTypes 1952 370 pages
Basic Electronics Vacuum Tubes 2012 Army AM-5-209 27pages
Basic Principles of Vacuum Tube Logic Circuits IBM 191 pages
Basic Theory and Applications of Electron Tubes, Departments of the Army and Air Force, 1952, 229 pages
Beam Power Tubes - Shade 1938 48 pages
Conductance Curve Design, Dr. Keats A. Pullen, 1958, 127 pages
Data and Circuits of TV Receiving Valves - Jager 1953 231 pages
Electric Rectifiers and Valves, Dr, ing. A. Guntherschulze, 1928, 227 pages
Electron Tube Design RCA 1962 (951 pages)
Electron Tubes Volume 1 RCA 1935-41 (483 pages)
Electron Tubes Volume 2 RCA 1942-48 (462 pages)
Electron Tubes in industry 1952 364 pages
Electronic Circuits and Tubes - Cruft Labs at Harvard - Chaffee 1947 1017 pages
Electronics and Electron Tubes E. D. McArthur 1936 (180 pages)
Electron-Tube Circuits , Samuel Seely, 1950 (540 pages)
Experiments with Vacuum Tubes - Salomons 1903 66 pages
FTR Handbook of Tube Operation, Federal Telephone and Radio Corporation, 1944, 68 pages
Gas tube design Wittenberg 1962 26 pages
Getting the Most Out of Vacuum Tubes Robert B. Tomer 1960 (164 pages)
Graphical Constructions for vacuum tube circuits , Albert Preisman, 1943 (245 pages)
Grondslagen Van De Radiobuizentechniek 1943 Phillips 528 pages Deutch
Handbook of Piezoelectric Crystals, John P. Buchanan, 1956 (701 pages)
Handbook of Tube Operation (2th Edition) FTR 1944 (68 pages)
How Electronic Tubes Work GE 1943 24 pages
How To Use Meters John Rider 1960 109 pages
H.P Donle tube article 8 pages
Inside the Vacuum Tube John F. Rider 1945 (424 pages)
Materials and Techniques for Electron Tubes Wlater H. Kohl 1960 (657 pages)
Materials technology for Electron Tubes Wlater H. Kohl 1951 (505 pages)
Mercury Arc Power Rectifiers , Othmar Marti and Harold Winograd , 1930 (478 pages)
Mercury Arc Rectifiers Practice Frederick Charles Orchard 1936 (255 pages)
Philips Electronic Valves Book II 1949 420 pages
Philips Electronic Valves Book III 1949 223 pages
Philips Electronic Valves Book IIIa 1952 498 pages
Philips Electronic Valves Book IIIc 1953 231 pages
Philips Electronic Valves Book IX 1959 205 pages
Philips Electronic Valves Book VII 1951 296 pages
Philips Electronic Valves Book VII 1951 296 pages
Philips Electronic Valves Book XI 1956 72 pages
Philips Electronic Valves Book XII 1956 53 pages
Philips Talks On Electricity 1955 237 pages
Photomultiplier Tubes Handbook V3a 2007 Hanamatsu 323 pages
Physics and Applications of Secondary Electron Emission, Dr. H. Bruining, 1954 (103 pages)
Power Vacuum Tubes Handbook 2th ed. Whitaker 2000 725 pages
Principes of Mercury Arc Rectifiers and their circuits 1927 (236 pages)
Principes of Electron Tubes Herbert J. Reich 1941 (414 pages)
Principes of Electron Tubes Gewartowski Watson 1965 672 pages
Radio Receiving and television tubes , James Moyer, 1936 (645 pages)
Radio Electronics Seely Samuel 1956 493 pages
Radiotron Designer's Handbook RCA 4th Edition, P. Langford Smith, 1953 (1538 pages)
Radiotron Designer's Handbook RCA 3th Edition , P. Langford Smith, 1941 (357 pages)
RCA Electron Tube Design 1962 951 pages
Receiving Tube Substitution Guide Book, First Edition 1950 219 pages
Receiving Tube Substitution Guidebook - First Ed. 1950 34 pages
Receiving Tube Substitution Guidebook - First Ed. 1950 120 pages
Receiving Tube Substitution Guidebook - Third Supplement 14 pages
Receiving Tube Substitution Guidebook - Third Supplement 32 pages
Receiving Tube Substitution Guidebook - Third Supplement 1957 72 pages
Receiving Tube Substitution Guidebook - Second Supplement 1954 45 pages
Receiving Tube Substitution Guide Book - First Supplement 1951 47 pages
Riders Tube Caddy, Tube Substitution Guidebook - 1960 58 pages
Riders Tube Caddy no.272, Tube Substitution Guidebook - 1960 34 pages
Storage Tubes and their Basic Principles, M. Knoll and B. Kazan, 1952 (153 pages)
The ABC of Vacuum Tubes in Radio Reception - Lewis 1922 67 pages
The Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope Charles Sicuranza 1938 68 pages
The Cathode Ray Tube at Work - John Rider 1943 346 pages
The Complete Radio Book Yates Pacent 1922 398 pages
The Essentials of Electron Tubes and their Circuits - Hoag 1942 390 pages
The Oxide-Coated Cathode Vol. 1 G. Herrmann & S. Wagener 1951 (155 pages)
The Oxide-Coated Cathode Vol. 2 G. Herrmann & S. Wagener 1951 (322 pages)
The proliferation of tube types 17 pages
The RCA Radiotron manual R-10 1933 87 pages
The Thermionic vacuum tube and its applications H.J Van Der Bijl 1920 (407 pages)
The thermionic valve and its developments in radiotelegraphy and telephony - Fleming 1919 308 pages
The Unilateral Dynamic Characteristics of Three-Electrode Vacuum Tubes J G Frayne 36 pages
The Vacuum Tube Volt-meter VTVM How it works How to use it Rhys Samuel 1956 254p
Theory and applications of electron tubes Herbert J. Reich 2th edition 1944 (736 pages)
Theory of Thermionic vacuum tube E. Leon Chaffee 1933 (688 pages)
Theory of Thermionic vacuum tube circuits Leo James Peters 1927 (263 pages)
Thermionic Valve Circuits Williams 438 pages
Tube Substitution Handbook 1980 115 pages
Tube Substitution Handbook V.1 1960 94 pages
Vacuum Tubes and their uses Muhleman article 5 pages
Vacuum Tubes in Wireless Communication - Bucher 1918 200 pages
Vacuum Tube Amplifiers - Valley Wallman 1948 761 pages
Vacuum Tube Amplifiers Valley-Wallman 1965 776 pages
Vacuum Tube Design RCA 1940 (267 pages)
Vacuum tube principles Chap. 3 2000 64 pages
Vacuum Tubes Karl R. Spangenberg 1948 (877 pages)
Vacuum Tubes Rectifiers Alexander Schure 1958 (77 pages)
Vacuum-tube Oscillators William A. Edson 1953 (488 pages)
Vacuum-tube Voltmeters 2th Edition John F. Rider 1951 (430 pages)
Valve Types and Characteristics 30pages
Vacuum Tubes Manufacturers Manuals:
ADZAM 1957 FRENCH catalog 18 pages
Amperex Catalog 1956 8 pages
Amperex Catalog 1958 30 pages
Amperex Catalog 1958 Nov. 30 pages
Amperex Catalog 1959 35 pages
Amperex Catalog 1962 36 pages
Amperex Catalog 1963 40 pages
Amperex Catalog Microwave tubes 12 pages
Amperex Hi-Fi & Audio tubes Catalog 1956 8 pages
Amperex vacuum capacitors Catalog 18 pages
Arcturus Tubes catalog 8 pages
Belvu Tubes Electroniques French catalogue 12p
Brimar Radio Valve Manual 57 pages
Brimar Radio Valve and Teletube Manual No. 7 339 pages
Brimar Valve and Teletube Manual No. 9 74 pages
Brown Bovery Tubes d'emission Valves redresseuses catalog 1954 12p
Cossor Valve manual 1935-1936 140 pages
Cunningham Radio Tubes Manual C-10 1933 92 pages
Cunningham Tubes Brochure 9 pages
Du Mont Cathode-ray Tubes manual 1956 168 pages
Eimac Care and Feeding of Power Tetrodes 1951 28 pages
Eimac Catalog What new with the electron 1958 24 pages
Eimac Power Grid Tubes Quick Ref Catalog 1969 54 pages
Eimac Power Grid Tubes Quick Ref Catalog 1975 112 pages
Eimac Power Grid Tubes 1975 Quick Ref Catalog 116 pages
Eimac Radio & TV Tubes Catalog 1952 158 pages
Eimac Tubes Sockets catalog 61 pages
Eimac The Care and Feeding of Power Klystrons application bulletin 10 24 pages
Eimac Transmitting tubes catalog 1948 145 pages
Eimac Tubes Catalog 1948 145 pages
Eimac Tubes Catalog 1950 183 pages
Eimac Tubes Catalog 1955 296 pages
Eimac Tubes Sockets catalog 61 pages
Eimac What new with the electron Catalog 1958 24 pages
English Electric Valve Co Ltd Ignitrons Rectifiers IndustrialThyratrons & Voltage Stabiliser
ETL- Ericsson Electronic Tube Handbook issue 3 1964 261 pages
Federal Tubes catalog 28 pages
Product Data manual 1971 358 pages
GE Five-Star Tubes High-Reliability receiving types catalog 20 pages
GE Glow lamp manual Theory Circuits Ratings 2nd Edition 1965 118 pages
GE Radio Tube Substitution List 16 pages
GE Socketless tube circuit techniques 57 pages
GE Tubes Essential Characteristics 231 pages
Groove Tubes Choosing and Using Vacuum tubes 2012 40 pages
Hitachi Catalog CE-EO12 16 pages
Hitachi Receiving Tubes catalog CT-578B 24 pages
Katsnelson & Larionov 1981 Receiving Tubes book (in Russian language) 457 pages
Knight 600 Series tube tester manual
Knight Obsolete Tube Data
Mercury 1100 Tube Tester schematics
Mercury 1100B Tube Tester Instruction manal
Mercuy 1100 1100A 1100B tube chart 22 pages
Marconi Valves Catalog 52 pages
Marconi Valves Use the valves the experts use Catalog 46 pages
Mashpriborintorg 1970 catalog 214 pages
Mazda Data Valves Booklet 1970 180 pages
Mazda Valves 1948-1949 manual 224 pages
Mullard Data book 1965-1966 47 pages
Mullard Equivalent List 1965 33 pages
Mullard Master valve guide 1935 28 pages
Mullard Passive Components 1974-75 63 pages
Mullard Price List 1965 9 pages
Mullard Reference Manual Of Transistor Circuits 1st Ed 1960 322 pages
Mullard Semiconductors manual 1974-75 81 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book1 Part1 1974 695 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book1 Part2 1974 880 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book1 Part3 1983 468 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book1 Part5 1982 525 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book1 Part8 1975 455 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book1 Part8 1979 399 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book1 Part9 1981 408 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book2 Part1 1973 586 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book2 Part2 1973 774 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book2 Part3 1971 434 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book2 Part5 1972 651 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book3 Part1 1981 520 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book3 Part5 1978 496 pages
Mullard Technical Handbook Book3 Part5 1987 336 pages
Mullard Tubes and Special Products Guide 1972-73 61 pages
Mullard Valve & Service Guide 1946 14 pages
Mullard Valve & service reference manual 1951 251 pages
Mullard Valves and Electron Tubes technical data manual 67 pages
Mullard Valve data book 1951 248 pages
Osram Valve guide and Book of Circuits 1934 68 pages
Osram Valve 1936-1937 catalog 133 pages
Osram Valve guide and Book of Circuits 1938 72 pages
Osram Valves manual 1936-1937 133 pages
Philips Components for radio TV and audio catalog 1960 52 pages
Philips Data and Circuits of TV Receiving Valves J.Jager 1953 231 pages
Philips Electron tubes Book T5 Cathode-ray tubes 1988 418 pages
Philips Electron tubes Part 4 june 1972 Receiving tubes 564 pages
Philips Factory Valves Codes List 16 pages
Philips Grondslagen Van De Radiobuizentechniek 1943 528 pages Deutch
Philips Miniwatt Technical Data 7th Ed. 1962 407 pages
Philips Miniwatt comparative pocket book for valves 6th ED. 1939 94 pages
Philips Miniwatt comparative pocket book for valves 7th ED. 1942 94 pages
Philips Miniwatt Vacuum-Tube Catalog 1938 16 pages
Philips Philips Radio tubes equivalence book 1930 138 pages
Philips Receiving tubes Part 4 1972 564 pages
Philips Transmitting valves catalog 1945 6 pages
Rauland Visitron Phototubes Catalog no. 546 17 pages
Raytheon Radio tube data and substitution chart manual 1945 46 pages
Raytheon Special purpose tubes caracteristics catalog 19 pages
Raytheon The Raysistor 4 pages
Raytheon 1937 Radio Receiving Tubes Databook 195 pages
Raytheon 1938 Handbook of Amateur Tube Uses 72 pages
Raytheon 1939 Amateur Tubes caracteristics 2 pages
Raytheon 1940 Characteristic Data Chart 28 pages
Raytheon 1957 Radio and Television Recieving Tube Data 54 pages
RCA Beam Power Tubes O.H. Schade 1938 48 pages
RCA Cunningham Radiotron Chart 1935 1 page
RCA Cunningham Radio tubes manual C-10 92 pages
RCA De Forest amateur tubes manual 1934 92 pages
RCA Guide for Transmitting Tubes 1942 76 p
RCA HB-3 Tube Handbook 1955 Vol1-2
RCA HB-3 Tube Handbook 1955 Vol3-4
RCA HB-3 Tube Handbook 1955 Vol5-6
RCA HB-3 Tube Handbook 1955 Vol7-8
RCA Industrial Receiving-Type Tubes 1969 24 pages
RCA Interchangeability Directory Fec 1960 24 pages
RCA New All-Metal Radio Tubes manual 1935 32 pages
RCA Nuvistor Tubes Industrial and Military 1967 28 pages
RCA Nuvistor Tubes for Industrial and Military applications 1963 16 pages
RCA Nuvistor Tubes reference guide 4 pages
RCA Phototubes and Photocells technical manual PT-60 Oct 1963 197 pages
RCA Phototubes manual 1941 16 pages
RCA Power & gas tubes catalog 1956 24 pages
RCA Radiotron manual R-10 1933 87 pages
RCA R-10 Tube Manual 1932 116 pages
RCA RC-11 Tube Manual 1933 164 pages
RCA RC-12 Tube Manual 1934 164 pages
RCA RC-13 Tube Manual 1937 196 pages
RCA RC-14 Tube Manual 1940 257 pages
RCA RC-15 Tube Manual 1948 260 pages
RCA RC-16 Tube Manual 1951 324 pages
RCA RC-17 Tube Manual 1954 324 pages
RCA RC-18 Tube Manual 1956 356 pages
RCA RC-19 Tube Manual 1959 388 pages
RCA RC-20 Tube Manual 1960 436 pages
RCA RC-21 Tube Manual 1961 484 pages
RCA RC-22 Tube Manual 1963 548 pages
RCA RC-23 Tube Manual 1964 612 pages
RCA RC-24 Tube Manual 1965 580 pages
RCA RC-25 Tube Manual 1966 612 pages
RCA RC-26 Tube Manual 1968 657 pages
RCA RC-27 Tube Manual 1970 676 pages
RCA RC-28 Tube Manual 1971 788 pages
RCA RC-29 Tube Manual 1973 756 pages
RCA RC-30 Tube Manual 1975 762 pages
RCA Receiving type tubes and picture tubes 1959 48 pages
RCA Receiving type tubes for Industrial and Communications types manual 1960 32 pages
RCA Reference Book 1956 53 pages
RCA Special Red Tubes 1948 8 pages
RCA TT-3 Air-Cooled Transmitting Tube Manual 1938 194 pages
RCA TT-4 Transmitting Tube Manual 1956 260 pages
RCA TT-5 Transmitting Tube Manual 1962 323 pages
RCA Tube substitution directory for emergency servicing 1944 16 pages
RCA Vacuum Tube Design 1940 267 pages
STC Standard Valves manual 1947 329 pages
Sylvania 1939 Tubes Prices 2 pages
Sylvania Characteristics of receiving tubes 19-- 64 pages
Sylvania Characteristics of receiving tubes 1958 60 pages
Sylvania Characteristics of receiving tubes 1964 72 pages
Sylvania Characteristics of transmitting tubes 1954 12 pages
Sylvania Radio Tube Characteristics Chart -1945 17 pages
Sylvania Industrial tubes manual 1958 32 pages
Sylvania Radio Tubes Characteristics 1945 20 pages
Sylvania Radio Tubes Technical manual 1951 364 pages
Sylvania Servicing Radio and TV with VTMT 48 pages
Sylvania Technical Manual 1951 364 pages
Sylvania Technical manual 1955 712 pages
Sylvania Technical manual 1959 739 pages
Sylvania Technical manual 1970 628 pages
Sylvania Tubes-Radio Manuel technique French 1952 389 pages
Sylvania Tube Substitution Manual - 1953 39 pages
Sylvania Tube Substitution Manual 1953 42 pages
Taylor Catalog and Manual 1940 52 pages
Taylor Tubes catalog 1945 24 pages
Taylor Tubes catalog and handbook 34 pages
Taylor Tubes catalog and manual 1939 47 pages
Telefunken 1930-31 From A to Z tube manual (german)
Tesla Cathode-Ray tubes manual 1964 18 pages
Tesla manual of electronic tubes 1969 48 pages
Toshiba Cathode-ray tube catalog B4-71 48 pages
Toshiba Tubes-Electroniques French catalog 6 pages
Tung-Sol Electronic Tubes Technical Data 1948 1028 pages
United Electronic Power Tubes 1945 148 pages
United Electronic Power Tubes catalog C59 16 pages
United Electronic Power Tubes catalog CDB-5 15 pages
Victoreen Tubes catalog 26 pages
Western Electric Electron Tubes manual 16 pages
Western Electric Vacuum Tubes 1933 52 pages
Western Electric Vacuum Tube Data 101D to 300B 1941 212 pages
Western Electric Vacuum Tube Data 300A- 300B 7 pages
Western Electric Vacuum Tube Data 301A to 373A 1963 188 pages
Westinghouse Electronic Tube Easy Guide 1945 8 pages
Westinghouse 1938 tube Prices 2 pages
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