MARSHALL Ultimate Schematics (no service manuals)

MARSHALL Ultimate Schematics (no service manuals)

$19.95 USD


470 PDF files (Adobe Reader X) on DVD R



5F6-A Schematic Diagram

67-68 Super Lead Layout

68 Super Lead Layout (cans)

69 1987 Layout

100W Schematic

100w-67 schematics

120 main schematics

120 power schematics

120 power amp 2x120w schematics

200w schematics

1917 PA 20W Schematic Diagram

1930 schematics

1958 1973 1974 18W amplifier schematics

1959 CCT schematics SL1230X-01

1959 CCT schematics SL1230X-02

1959 schematics

1959 Layout (One-Wire Mod)

1959 Layout

1959 mk2 schematics

1959 preamp schematics

1959 pwrm schematics

1959 R13 alt grnd diagram

1959 RR-01-60-02-v02[1] schematics

1959SLP-1 Reissue schematics

1959SLP-2 Reissue schematics

1959T 100W super trem amp schematics

1959T schematics

1959T Lead-Trem 100w Schematic Diagram

1962 Bluesbreaker Reissue schematics

1963 schematics

1963-70 schematics

1963 PA 45w Schematic Diagram

1966 schematics

1966 Super PA layout

1966 200W schematics

1967 schematics

1968 Super PA layout

1968 100W schematics

1968 JTM45 schematics

1968 JTM45 service data

1974 Lead & Bass 18w Layout

1974 Lead & Bass Schem 18w Schematic Diagram

1978 200 Watt schematics

1986 schematics

1986 50W JCM800 schematics

1986 50W bass schematics

1986 bass mk2 schematics

1987 schematics

1987 50W schematics

1987 mk2 50W Lead schematics

1987 pream schematics

1987T 50W schematics

1987X Reissue schematics

1989 50W Organ schematics

1992 JCM800 100W bass amp schematics

1992 schematics

1992 mk2 bass schematics

2000 250W pre2 schematics

2000 250W pre3 schematics

2000 250W pwr2 schematics

2000 250W pwr3 schematics

2000 250w schematics

2001 375w schematics

2001 375W bass amp pre1 schematics

2001 375W bass amp pre2 schematics

2001 375W bass amp pwr2 schematics

2001 375W bass amp pwr3 schematics

2002 50W schematics

2002 JMP Master PA schematics

2019 20W Schematic Diagram

2022 T Lead 20w Schematic Diagram

2040 50W Artist schematics

2046 schematics

2060 Mercury schematics

2099 100W bass schematics

2100 2101 4100 4101 4102 JCM 900 100W amp schematics

2100 100W power amp schematics

2100SL-X 2100-60-02 issue9 schematics

2100SL-X EL34 2100-60-34 issue10 schematics

2100SL-X 5881 2100-60-58 issue9 schematics

2101 100W power amp schematics

2144 50W Master Volume Reverb & Boost Preamp schematics

2150 100W schematics

2150 pre-amp schematics

2195 100W lead-bass schematics

2200 pre schematics

2200 pwr schematics

2203 100W Master volume schematics

2203 100W schematics

2203 MV Layout

2203 pream schematics

2203 pwramp schematics

2203 Reissue schematics

2204 power amps schematics

2204 50W Master Volume Lead schematics

2204 preamp schematics

2204 pwramp schematics

2205 JCM800 Split Channel Reverb, 50W head 1 schematics

2205 JCM800 Split Channel Reverb, 50W head schematics

2205 preamp schematics

2205 pwramp schematics

2210 JCM 800 Split Channel Reverb, 100W head 1 schematics

2210 JCM800 Split Channel Reverb, 100W head schematics

2210 preamp schematics

2210 pwramp schematics

2500 50W power amp schematics

2500 2501 2502 2100 2101 JCM 900 power amp schematics

2500SL-X 2500-60-02 issue 11 schematics

2500SL-X 5881 2500-60-58 issue 12 schematics

2500SL-X EL34 2500-60-34 issue 13 schematics

2501 50W power amp schematics

2502 50W power amp schematics

2550 amp schematics

2550 Layout

2550 schematics

2550 psu schematics

2553 schematics

2554 amp schematics

2555 amp schematics

2555 psu schematics

2558 schematics

3005 schematics

3005H 12W lead schematics

3203 power amp schematics

3203 preamp schematics

3210 schematics

3210 100W schematics

3310 power amp schematics

3310 preamp schematics

3315 power schematics

3315 preamp schematics

3510 power amp schematics

3510 preamp schematics

3520 preamp schematics

3520 power amps schematics

3530 preamp schematics

3530 psu schematics

3560 crossover schematics

3560 power amp schematics

3560 psu schematics

4001 studio 15 schematics

4001 studio 15 schematics 1

4001 schematics

4010 poweramp schematics

4010 preamp schematics

4010 schematics 1

4010 schematics

4100 100W power amp schematics

4100 4500 schematics

4100 pre-amp JMP52-02-10 schematics

4100 power amp 4100-60-02 issue 11 schematics

4100 power amp 4100-60-02 issue 11-2 schematics

4101 100W power amp schematics

4102 100W power amp schematics

4104 poweramp schematics

4140 schematics

4145 schematics

4150 100W schematics

4160 preamp schematics

4203 power amp schematics

4203 preamp schematics

4210 50W schematics

4500 60-02-1 schematics

4500 4500-60-02 issue 10 schematics

4500 4500-60-02 issue 10-1 schematics

4500 50W power amp schematics

4500 pre-amp JMP52-02-10 schematics

4501 50W power amp schematics

4502 50W power amp schematics

5002 5302 5502 schematics

5002 schematics

5010 schematics

5150 power schematics

5203 schematics

5205 schematics

5210 5212 schematics

5213 power amp schematics

5213 preamp A schematics

5213 preamp B schematics

5215 schematics

5275 schematics

5275 75W schematics

5302 schematics

5503 JCM800 Bass, 30W schematics

5506 JCM800 Bass, 30W schematics

5520 200W power amp bass combo schematics

5520 200W preamp bass combo 1 schematics

5522 pwr schematics

6100 30anniv 100w schematics

6100 6101 6100-61-04 Issue 4 schematics

6100 6101 6100-61-04 Issue 9 schematics

6100 6101 6100-62-04 Issue 1 schematics

6100 6101 6100-62-04 Issue 3 schematics

6100 6101 6100-63-04 Issue 2 schematics

6100 6101 6100-63-04 Issue 4 schematics

6100 6101 6100-63-04 Issue 10 schematics

6100 6101 6100-64-04 Issue 3 schematics

6100 6101 6100-65-04 Issue 4 schematics

6100 6101 6100-65-04 Issue 6 schematics

6100 Schematic Diagram

6101 Schematic Diagram

7111 60-0a schematics

7111 60-0b schematics

7111 60-0c schematics

7111 61-02 schematics

7111 62-02 schematics

7111 63-02 schematics

7111 64-02 schematics

7111 65-02 schematics

8001 CCT schematics

8001 8010 Valvestate schematics

8004 Valvestate schematics

8004 rackmount 2x40w schematics

8004-8008 handbook

8008 CCT Diagram

8008 Valvestate schematics

8008 rackmount 2x80w schematics

8010 Valvestate schematics

8015 schematics

8020 Valvestate schematics

8020 CCT schematics

8040 Valvestate schematics

8040 schematics

8080 8100 amp Valvestate schematics

8080 8100 Valvestate schematics

8080 Schematic Diagram

8080 CCT schematics

8100 Schematic Diagram

8100 CCT schematics

8240 1 Valvestate schematics

8240 Valvestate schematics

8240 stereochorus rev 2x40w schematics

8280 chorus Valvestate schematics

8280 stereochorus rev 2x80w schematics

8280 amp Valvestate schematics

8280 power Valvestate schematics

8280 preamp Valvestate schematics

8280 reverb Valvestate schematics

9001-1 schematics

9001-2 schematics

9001-3 schematics

9001-4 schematics

9004 Preamp Schematic Diagram

9004 schematics

9005 schematics

9100 60-02 schematics

9100 61-02 schematics

9100 62-02 schematics

9100 63-02 schematics

9100 64-02 schematics

9100 65-02 schematics

9100 9200 user manual

9200 65-02 schematics


BBRI vs. JTM45 schematics

DBS 7041, 200W 7200-63-02 schematics

DBS 7200 72115 72410 200W head 7111 60-0a schematics

DBS 7200 72115 72410 200W head 7111 60-0b schematics

DBS 7200 72115 72410 200W head 7111 60-0c schematics

DBS 7200 72115 72410 200W head 7111 61-02 schematics

DBS 7200 72115 72410 200W head 7111 62-02 schematics

DBS 7200 72115 72410 200W head 7111 63-02 schematics

DBS 7200 72115 72410 200W head 7111 64-02 schematics

DBS 7200 72115 72410 200W head 7111 65-02 schematics

DBS 7200 72115 72410 200W head 7111 66-02 schematics

DBS 7400, 400W head 7400-60-0a schematics

DBS 7400, 400W head 7400-60-0b schematics

DBS 7400, 400W head 7400-60-0c schematics

DBS 7400, 400W head 7400-61-02 schematics

DBS 7400, 400W head 7400-62-02 schematics

DBS 7400, 400W head 7400-63-02 schematics

DBS 7400, 400W head 7400-64-02 schematics

DBS 7400, 400W head 7400-65-02 schematics

DBS 7400, 400W head 7400-66-02 schematics

DLS10 JCM2-60-02 schematics

DLS10 JCM2-61-02 schematics

DLS10 JCM2-62-02 schematics

DLS10 JCM2-63-02 schematics

DLS10 JCM2-64-00 schematics

DLS50 DL50-60-02 schematics

DLS50 DL50-61-02 schematics

DLS50 DL50-63-02 schematics

DLS50 DL50-64-00 schematics

DLS201 schematics

DSL201 DSL401 bias adj proc

Grounding Layout

JCM 600 power pcb JCM6-61-02-2 schematics

JCM 600 pre-amp JCM6-60-02-2 schematics

JCM 600 601 602 preamp schematics jcm6-60-02

JCM 600 601 602 preamp schematics jcm6-62-02

JCM 600 601 602 preamp schematics jcm6-61-02

JCM 600 601 602 preamp schematics

JCM 800 2205 Split Channel Reverb, 50W head

JCM 800 1986 50W bass amp schematics

JCM 800 2205 Split Channel Reverb, 50W head 1

JCM 800 2210 Split Channel Reverb, 100W head 1

JCM 800 2210 Split Channel Reverb, 100W head

JCM 800 5503 Bass, 30W schematics

JCM 800 5506 Bass, 30W schematics

JCM 800 Lead Series 50W & 100W Power Circuit Diagram - Standard & Master Volume

JCM 800 Lead Series 50W & 100W Preamp Circuit Diagram - Standard & Master Volume

JCM 800 master model 50W MK2 lead schematics

JCM 800 Model 2000 250W Lead Amp - Power Circuit Diagram Revision 1

JCM 800 Model 2000 250W Lead Amp - Preamp Circuit Diagram Revision 1

JCM 800 Model 2000 250W Lead Amp Power schematics

JCM 800 Model 2000 250W Lead preamp schematics

JCM 800 model 2000 250W schematics

JCM 800 model 2001 375W schematics 1

JCM 800 model 2001 375W schematics 2

JCM 800 Service Manual

JMC 800 1992 100W bass amp schematics

JMC 800 model 4210 50W 2205 schematics

JCM 900 50W power amp schematics

JCM 900 100W power amp schematics

JCM 900 series master volume preamp schematics

JCM 2000 rear jack TL10-62-02-6 schematics

JCM 2000 Superlead JCM2-61-00-5 schematics

JCM 2000 Superlead JCM2-64-00-1 schematics

JMP 50 layout

JMP 50W amplifier schematics

JMP1 JMP1-61-04-10 schematics

JMP 52-2 schematics

JMP 100W amplifier schematics

JMP 1930 Popular 10w Schematic Diagram

JMP 1959 amp schematics (unicord)

JMP 1959 Lead 50w Schematic Diagram

JMP 1959 MK2 amp schematics (unicord)

JMP 1959 Super Lead 100w Schematic Diagram

JMP 1959T Lead-Trem 100w Schematic Diagram

JMP 1963 PA 50w Schematic Diagram

JMP 1985 PA 50w Schematic Diagram

JMP 1986 Bass 50w Schematic Diagram

JMP 1986 MK2 Bass 50W schematics

JMP 1987 50w Schematic Diagram

JMP 1987 MK2 lead schematics

JMP 1987T Tremolo 50w Schematic Diagram

JMP 1989 Organ 50w Schematic Diagram

JMP 1992 Super Bass 100w Schematic Diagram

JMP 1992 Super Bass mk2 schematics

JMP 2002 Master PA 50w Schematic Diagram

JMP 2040 Artiste, 50W schematics

JMP 2046 Specialist 25w Schematic Diagram

JMP 2060 Mercury 5w Schematic Diagram

JMP 2098 Lead, 100W head schematics sht1

JMP 2098 Lead, 100W head schematics

JMP 2099 Bass 100w Schematic Diagram

JMP 2144 Master Volume, 50W schematics

JMP 2150 Powercell 100w Schematic Diagram

JMP 2195 Bass 100w Schematic Diagram

JMP 2199 MasterLead 30w Schematic Diagram

JMP 2200 Lead, 100W head schematics sht1

JMP 2200 Lead, 100W head schematics

JMP 2203 MasterVol 100w Schematic Diagram

JMP 2204 Master Volume Lead, 50W head

JMP 2204 MasterVol 50w Schematic Diagram

JMP 4150 Club & Country Bass 100w Schematic Diagram

JMP1 61-04 schematics

JMT30 JMT3-60-02 preamp schematics

JMT30 JMT3-61-02 am schematics

JTM 30 poweramp JTM3-61-02-4 schematics

JTM 30 preamp JTM3-60-02-4 schematics

JTM45 1983 Amp schematic

JTM 45 issue7 schematics

JTM 45 Reissue schematics

JTM 45-100 Layout (Dickenson-Hendrix Amp)

JTM 45-100 Layout

JTM100 1959T Lead-Trem 100w Schematic Diagram

JTM 100 Super PA layout

JTM600 610 612 615 622 amp schematics

JTM600 610 612 615 622 main schematics

JTM600 610 612 615 622 preamps schematics

JTM 600 J600-60-02-1 schematics

JTM 600 J600-61-02-1 schematics

JTM 600 J600-62-02-1 schematics

Major 200 Watt Amp Schematic Diagram

Major 1966 PA 200w Schematic Diagram

Major 1967 Lead 200w Schematic Diagram

Major 1978 Bass 200w Schematic Diagram

Marshall DBS Handbook

Marshall Master Volume & lead amplifiers handbook

Marshall Series 9000 Handbook

Marshall Split channel amplifiers handbook

Marshall Transistor split channel handbook

MF350 Schematic Diagram

MG10CD schematics

MG15CD schematics

MG15CDR schematics

MG15DFX schematics

MG30DFX schematics

MG100 schematics

MG100DFX schematics

MG250DFX schematics

Standard 50W Valve Power Amplifier Circuit 78331-2

Standard 100W Valve Power Amplifier Circuit 78331-3

Standard Preamp Circuits 78331-1

SLXa 61-02 schematics

TLS60 601 602 schematics 1

TLS60 601 602 schematics 2

TSL60 601 602 schematics tl60-61-02

TSL60 601 602 schematics tl60-60-02

TLS100 122 schematics tl10-60-02

TLS100 122 schematics tl10-61-02

TLS100 122 schematics tl10-65-02

TLS100 122 schematics tl10-66-01

TLS100 122 schematics 1

TLS100 122 schematics tl10-62-02

TLS100 122 schematics tl10-63-02

Trainwreck Express Layout

Trainwreck Express Versions A0-A9k schematics

TSL100 Circuit Diagram

TSL122 Circuit Diagram

VAB400 schematics vba4-62-00

VAB400 schematics vba4-60-00

VAB400 schematics vba4-61-00

VAB400 schematics vba4-62-00

VAB400 schematics vba4-63-00

valvestate 10 10w 8001 8010 schematics

valvestate 20 20w 8020 schematics

valvestate 40 40w 8040 schematics

valvestate 80 80w 8080 8100 schematics

valvestate pro 120 2x120 schematics

VBA400 400w schematics

VS pro 120 main schematics

VS pro 120 power schematics

VS30 schematics

VS65 schematics

VS65R amp schematics

VS65R preamp schematics

VS65R preamp2 schematics

VS100 schematics

VS100R 102R 100RH 412 daughter schematics

VS100R 102R 100RH 412 power schematics

VS100R 102R 100RH 412 preamp schematics

VS100R 102R 100RH 412 settings

VS230 2x30w schematics

VS230R power stage schematics

VS230R preamp schematics

VS265 2x65w schematics

VS265 power schematics

VS265 preamp schematics

VS265 daughter schematics


Very few of these manuals are not very good scans, hopefully though,  they will help you enough
to service your equipment.